Digital Sketch

Breathing Design's Digital Sketch service is an excellent tool that enhances the creativity and expertise of designers. This service is optimized for creating sensory illustrations and high-quality 2D and 3D sketches using Wacom tablet sketch technology.

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Elevating Design with Digital Sketching

Wacom Tablet Illustration

The core of digital sketch design is the Wacom tablet. Wacom tablets offer exceptional precision and pressure sensitivity, providing a natural experience in the digital space, much like drawing on paper. Breathing Design utilises Wacom tablets to accurately translate hand movements into digital, delivering high-quality sketch work and offering a perfect design service.

digital sketch
digital sketch

A Fusion of Creativity: The Encounter of 2D and 3D

Digital sketch design allows for the rapid visualisation of ideas and the combination of various design elements to create high-quality works. This holds significant value in various fields such as product design, illustration, marketing materials, and more.

Furniture & Product Sketch

digital sketch

Digital sketch design seamlessly combines 2D and 3D to create innovative works. With 2D sketches, ideas can be visualised quickly, and by using 3D, designers can preview the realistic appearance of their designs in advance. This enables designers to achieve better designs and adds significant value to product development and marketing.

Yacht Design Sketch

digital sketch
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